Heal the smile

Heal the Smile Project

“Heal the Smile” is an initiative of YMCA Georgia within the framework of YMCA Europe Roots for Peace project, which aims to provide free psychological assistance to young people affected by the war in Ukraine. Why? The war in Ukraine has affected the lives of millions of people. Apart from alarming physical conditions, the war […]


rootsmade startup: facts & stats

Under the auspices of YMCA Europe Roots for Peace project the “rootsmade” charity e-commerce start-up was launched for people directly affected by ongoing wars in the Middle East and the Caucasus. In the framework of this initiative an expert advisor was selected from the Roots Peace Work Insatiate alumni and contracted to carry on the […]


Peace Work Institute Session in Tbilisi

Another key Roots international activity just completed… Peace Work Institute Session in Tbilisi, Georgia with 25 participants, 12 countries, 1 week of continuous learning, networking, cultural exposure and fun are facts, figures and demonstration of dimension that have already become common to any Roots for Peace event – but there was one aspect which stood […]

covers ihelena

I am ROOTS: Helena Hajkova

Since its inception in 2012 and with two cohorts (2012-2014, 2014-2019) of participants that passed through it, the Roots Peace Work Institute (PWI) sought to enroll young leaders of different backgrounds from across Europe, young people who were and are a voice and not an echo – eager to learn, to try, to grow… Like […]

What is Peace for me

What is PEACE for me? A short word with a deep meaning. Peace, as well as happiness, is difficult to evaluate. When we have it, we take it for granted. And it seems that’s how it should be. Because peace, love, joy and beauty are our nature, our divine foundation. We are enjoying the sun […]

cover bridges 4 May web

Building The E-Bridge

“Before I tell you what the e-bridge is about and why it is so important for me as a young person, let me go back to the beginning of how the story started and how we came up with this project. Back in 2020, when the world got hit by COVID-19 and our lives changed […]


Entering the “e-bridge”

“As our staff worked through the summer months preparing the e-bridge digital platform, we dreamed together about how young people would engage with the platform and how it would open new conversations and hopefully help our communities look forward. There was a new air of optimism in Kosovo as for the first time in the […]

pwi hangout

Peace Work Institute online hangout

Peace Work Institute is back on Roots central stage! The online hangout organized on November 20th was the first step of what promises to be another remarkable adventure for those that signed up and were selected to be a part of it. To begin with, we had a “sell-out” – 100 % attendance by those […]