This week Roots Communications Assistant Lika Zakaryan visited the YMCA Europe Secretariat, where she received a very warm welcome from our Brussels team – a truly memorable experience.
The visit provided an excellent opportunity for Lika to engage in meaningful conversations with her colleagues. They shared updates, exchanged ideas, and explored collaborative projects. These face-to-face interactions not only fostered personal connections but also facilitated a deeper understanding of the organization’s vision and goals.
Lika was in Brussels at the invitation of the European Parliament. She was one of the panelists at “The Silent Siege of Nagorno Karabakh” special session on the current humanitarian crisis in Nagorno Karabakh, where 120 000 civilians have been blockaded since December last year, awaiting ethnic cleansing and genocide. During the session an extract from the “Invisible Republic” was presented, a film which is based on Lika’s book about the 2020 war in Karabakh, called “44 Days: Diary from an Invisible War”. YMCA Europe Secretariat staff was also invited to this session at the European Parliament.
Working remotely has its advantages, but nothing can replace the joy of being physically present and sharing moments with colleagues. During this visit Lika felt a renewed sense of belonging, knowing that she is an integral part of the YMCA Europe family – a reminder of the importance of human connections.