It was in Budapest a few years ago… We were there at European Youth Center for Roots “P.E.A.C.E.” Study Session, 35 young people from 17 European countries together in a safe space for dialogue, creativity and inspiration…
Once, during the break between the sessions I went down to go out in the yard – it was September with beautiful warm weather outside, so most participants took every opportunity to enjoy it at intervals. That particular time, however, I did not make it past the porch… Passing through the lobby, I heard beautiful sounds and then saw almost the entire group of ours standing around the piano in the lobby, with two girls seated by it and playing… At first I did not recognize them from distance, but after a few steps forward I knew exactly who they were – Lika from Artsakh (Nagorno Karabakh) & Parvin from Azerbaijan…
I wish I had taken a photo of them… And I am not sure anyone present there did – music and these two girls playing the piano together was what mattered most to all, I guess…
Now Lika is in Stepanakert, her hometown that suffers from aerial and artillery shelling on a daily basis – the only safe places being underground bunkers and that’s where she found her temporary shelter, refusing to abandon the place where she was born and grew up…
How do I know all these?! Lika keeps the diary where she shares her emotions – love, anger, passion, despair… Sincere feelings of a young girl that has been to several of the Roots events and always stole the show with her positive vibes and personality…
And so she is, until today… Positive, full of life… No matter what!… Read her diary… She really is!
“…Then I asked my dad to give me a ride to my office… On September 22, it was our cameraman’s birthday. I had gotten a present for him – fish. I wanted these fish to share our space. When the war broke out, we were still going to the office, to feed them, under the shelling. But after he got drafted, I couldn’t go anymore, (the city had been bombed heavily and I was alone), and I thought our fish had gone. That thought hurt a lot. So, I went into the office, to the aquarium. The fish were there, but they didn’t move. I kept saying in my mind “Be alive, please, be alive!”
They did not move. And I thought – this is it, so many days, without food. How will I live with such a sin in my heart? I mean, they only recently became members of our office, our second home. I sat next to them, almost crying and suddenly, I saw them move. One fish moved, then another… I jumped up, hugged the aquarium and started crying. I hurried to give them their food and was begging them to see the food and eat it. They saw, they ate. I decided not to leave them alone any more and took them. They are in my shelter now, until their owner returns…
This fish story is a true sign for me today, that we should not lose hope. Even when it seems there is no one, life can reward us a surprise and give us strength to live.”
Inspiring, Isn’t it?! Amidst all the destruction, fear and grief around her…
“…Today, I live in a war and wait for it to end. All of us, I guess. Life seems to have stopped. We do not remember what day of the week, date, hour… I don’t know when the war will end, do you? And so, I decided to learn how to live during the war, and not merely exist until it ends. I really hope that it will be very soon, but for now, I will look for good signs every day and feed the fish.”
Please read it… Lika’s Diary… As It’s not just her story, she speaks for many, many more all over the world… For millions of those girls and boys, women and men that seek Peace… Something that many of us take for granted, but the story is so different for the others…
But Roots goes on… And It won’t be long before Lika and Parvin sit side by side again by the piano to play… We believe in it.. And will do our best to make it happen!
And it would be great to do it together with you! Please support Roots to get that piano playing again!
Why to donate to Roots for Peace?
Since 2007 and ever growing, from the South to the North, from the East to the West of Europe – the Roots has always been there for those striving to make this world a better and safer place, a peaceful home for all. We go where the need is, responding quickly to the emerging issues with the legacy and mandate, capacity and adaptability gained for all these years.
By donating to the Roots, you invest in youth opinion leaders from all corners of Europe – varied by age, ethnicity, religion, race or wealth, but united with one strong conviction – Peace is the only way!
Author: Rezi Shavladze